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In recent years there has been a significant debate regarding the ways in which different educational systems throughout the world could develop more inclusive practices in their schools. Based on the notion that the education of children considered as having special needs should be considered as part of a wider process of school development, in this study, we investigated the implications of the integration of deaf and hard of hearing students (D/HH) in relation to the practices used by teachers. Using qualitative data from a secondary school in Cyprus, we formed two assertions which are supported by examples that embraced inclusive practices: (a) the presence of D/HH students obliged teachers to differentiate their teaching and what innovations were used in the class with D/HH pupils were also used afterwards in the classes with all students with success; and (b) the presence of D/HH students in the school led teachers to develop collaborations between themselves, a fact that facilitated the learning not only of the D/HH students, but also of all the children. The integration of D/HH students led teachers to the development of more inclusive practices, which in turn had an impact on all students of the school.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to explore the opinions, knowledge and requirements of regular primary school teachers who taught in schools where children with hearing impairments were included. A questionnaire which covered the four aspects, was used to collect data on a sample of 104 regular school teachers. Results indicate that teachers who taught these children had more knowledge about hearing impairment than those who did not. The majority of teachers expressed a positive attitude towards inclusion and there was no difference in the opinions of teachers concerning inclusion. On seeking teachers' views on their requirements when helping children with hearing impairments, seminars and short courses, full-time in-service training, sign language and equipment were the four major factors suggested. The implementation of the results was discussed in relation to the INSET requirements of teachers and the education of the children with hearing impairments in included settings.  相似文献   
听力是一项重要的生理指标。听力检查是发现听力问题的一种重要手段。我们对408名小学生进行了听力认识问卷调查及耳语测试。结果显示:95.8%的学生从未做过听力检查;16.8%的学生自觉有听力问题;11.0%的学生耳语测查异常;11.6%的学生对听力检查抱着无所谓的态度;甚至有6.7%的学生不愿意听力检查。警示:家长、学校、社会应关注儿童的听力状况  相似文献   
在立法的推动下,人民陪审员制度重新焕发活力,对维护司法公正、促进司法公开、推进司法民主的作用日益增强。但是,人民陪审员陪而不审并未根本解决,开庭审理前不准备、开庭审理中不发问、审后评议中不评议等现象仍然存在。应通过加大宣传力度、强化教育培训、完善管理制度等手段,完善我国陪审制度,让人民陪审员有机会陪审、有能力陪审,最后不得不审。  相似文献   
"音乐欣赏"课程的教学既要"有章可循"也不可过于"循规蹈矩".目前常用教材的编写都遵循了一定的线索,各有可取之处,但在教学当中更应当从听者接受的角度来入手,思考一种新的教学线索,即由单音色到多音色、由单旋律到多旋律的进程,在此框架下再对内容进行充实,在教学过程中要解决听辨方面的技术性问题.通过调整教学线索,重点解决教学难点来达到提高教学效果的目的.  相似文献   
本研究采用三因素混合实验设计,比较了人工耳蜗儿童(CI)与助听器儿童(HA)在不同信噪比条件下(SNR=10,5,0),对不同难度材料(双音节词和短句)的选择性听取能力.研究结果表明:(1)在重建听阈与补偿听阈相似时,人工耳蜗儿童与助听器儿童的选择性听取能力的差异不显著;(2)两类儿童对词语和短句的选择性听取能力差异显著;(3)在不同信噪比条件下两类儿童的择性听取能力差异显著.本研究结果提示,若助听器能补偿到最适宜水平,则没有必要进行人工耳蜗植入.  相似文献   
现代性启蒙范式的本质是视觉性的,它从一开始便疏离了听觉,进而疏离了身体与情感;也正是这种疏离为此后的人类文化进步埋伏下了隐患。此刻,我们只有重新回到听觉维度这一起点,方能恢复最为基本的判断力,从而使自身在后现代主义的窘境中获得救赎。  相似文献   
谈钢琴即兴伴奏中音乐听觉的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钢琴即兴伴奏是听觉的艺术,音乐听觉是钢琴即兴伴奏不可缺少的环节之一。通过对音乐的音响感知,转化为听觉的记忆,并在需要时将内心中音乐及审美体验的记忆加以释放,构成了即兴伴奏中音乐听觉建立的重要环节,成为了提高钢琴即兴伴奏不可或缺的重要的过程。音乐听觉的建立为钢琴即兴伴奏提供了滋养的土壤,使弹奏起来更加游刃有余。  相似文献   
赖立香  丁显洲 《科教文汇》2012,(34):169-171
由于社会的不断发展,残疾学生对职业教育和后续教育的要求也在不断提高,通过分析浙江省内听障生装饰艺术设计专业中高职衔接的现状,可以发现听障生中职教育的向上延伸和对接问题也比较突出,应该通过构建一体化的专业课程体系来改变现状.论文结合浙江特殊教育职业学院装饰专业提出了构建整体一体化课程的思路,建议要进行系统的专业规划设计,实施一体化的教学计划,建立一体化的课程结构,优化配置,这样才能促使中高职处于一种有机结合的状态,实现职业教育效益的最大化.  相似文献   
唐玲  陈东 《闽江学院学报》2006,27(6):126-129
大学法治是法治社会的组成部分,而目前我国大学对大学生的权利保护重视不够。新的《普通高等学校学生管理规定》的正式实施,引发了高校学生管理的一场新变革。本文以听证制度这一行政程序作为切入点,阐述了听证制度的涵义及其历史演进过程,指出了当前高校学生管理引入听证制度的必要性和可行性,认为在高校学生管理中引入听证制度具有重大的理论价值和实践意义,也是落实教育法制化的重大举措。  相似文献   
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